Me, as the amateur.

Okay. I know everybody's bored sometimes. And they stalk when they are. Well now I'm bored, and i stalked someone. Yes, I'm telling you i stalked. No, I am not going to tell you who they are. Oh and, yup, it's a 'they'.

Okay. The first one. Fyi, I'm stalking her blog.

If you are reading this now and you're feeling like I've stalked your blog, do not edit anything and keep your blog growing because i really think it's amazing.

She's unpredictable! I thought she was just an ordinary girl or whatever she says she is but, she is actually loud on her blog. In fact, very loud. It's like, everything she did, she has to remember it and write it down then put it on her blog. I feel like I'm starting to know half of her personality, just by reading her posts. Well, i don't have a 'good' or 'bad' word, I'm just saying i just stalked a blogspot.

Okay. The second one. Fyi, I'm stalking her blog.

If you are reading this now and you're feeling like I've stalked your blog, do not edit anything and keep your blog growing because i really think it's very cool.

I thought, that was the cutest blogspot i have ever seen. Seriously, it was! She has those picture things and drawings of i dunno, it's just colorful! I read some of her posts, it was so funny. She has her own way of telling stories. I really like it. It's not like the other blogs, it's creative and unique. And i was like, oh my god, if my blog was as good as this and I'll be like aaaaaaaahhhh! Well, i don't have a 'good' or 'bad' word, I'm just saying i just stalked a blogspot.

Okay. The third one. Fyi, I'm stalking her blog.

 If you are reading this now and you're feeling like I've stalked your blog, do not edit anything and keep your blog growing because i really think it's totally awesome. 

Wow. I clicked the blog, and i read the title. Damn. It's very cool. I looked at the members. That is not a small number. And omg, you should read her posts. It. Was. Hilarious! If you believe me, i was laughing alone at my room reading that. And i was really entertained about everything there. The topics aren't boring, and it makes me want to see every single thing there. It brings me curiosity. I don't know where that came from, 'cause that blog is actually really simple. But it's true, i really think it's totally awesome. I think i should finish reading that blog!

Okay. There. I told you. I don't know what you're thinking. I'm just guessing. So yeah, I'm feeling small like a new-born-puppy. Yes, that doesn't make any sense.

And yes, I want to have blog like those.

And yes, I still think mine's better. Or it's gonna be better. Or it has to be better.

See you. 

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