The Freaky Genie

Freaky genie? What the hell is a freaky genie.

Well, that Freaky Genie is called Akinator, on

So i went into my room, and saw my sister playing laptop. Then i took control of that laptop, since it was my turn, and then saw what she was playing. So i asked her, "dek, what's this?" and she said try it so i did.

The Akinator calls himself as a web genius, since he could guess what's in your mind. It pretty easy actually. You just put your name (fake it, duh. Mine's david wangwang lol) and your age and choose male/female. Think of a character (could be a famous singer, fiction characters, your family member, anything) and then press play.

He'll ask questions for you to answer. There are 5 choices: Yes, No, I don't know, Probably, and Probably not. Fair enough. But answer them truthfully. Otherwise that would be cheating!

If you're me (and you're not) you're first thought from the word Character is Beast Boy. So i really wanted to know if this so-called Web Genius could guess who am i thinking about. Since my sister was thinking about Louis Tomlinson (which is totally famous) and the Akinator guessed it for only like a few questions. So i think Beast Boy's a bit harder. And guess what?


Naaah i didn't faint, i was just dramatizing lol(?) but yeah, he guessed it. Sure i was shocked, so my sister and i wanted to beat this Freaky Genie. We scrolled our minds, thinking of a rare name and hard for Akinator to recognize, and we decide......... we should make him guess Iqbal Coboy Junior.

*answers a question*

*answers another one*

*answers more*

*freaks out even more*



*breaks the wall*

*runs away*

*moves out of town*

Hmmmm yeah. Seems impossible but... yeah.

Thankfully he couldn't guess Zatanna and Aqualad (Garth) hahahahaha *evil laugh* But i admit the person who made this web, well... he/she is pretty smart. The idea is creative, and of course... so freaky.


See ya soooooon!

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