
Showing posts from January, 2013

A little thing about secrets

I just wanna say that, Everyone has their own secret. And secretly, They wish someone would know and understand.

One normal noon

One normal noon at school HAI MBAK ANYAAA!!! Ooh, hai dek. Majalahnya terbit kapan mbak? Nggg, masih di percetakan dek... Oalah, yaudah hehe. That was the proof that you could regret conversations sometimes.

Too much cartoons

Am i the only one here who is familiar to Garfield Logan or T'Chalia? 'Cause they say i watched too much cartoons. Well, yes. Those are cartoon characters. It's weird isn't it? I mean, this age? I'm thirteen, and I'm watching cartoons? SUPERHERO cartoons? That's like... i can imagine you saying "Like wuuud?" or be like "Dude?! Seriously?" Well, yes. I love watching superhero cartoons. I admit, while those people are discussing about what Glee episode is about yesterday or how good American idol is last night, I'm here alone thinking what would Beast Boy change in the middle of a tornado or how long does it take to train someone to arch as good as Hawkeye. Random things like this, people just won't understand. Today i found a girl on twitter who adores Greyson and loves Marvel. I'm surprised! Omg, she's so ME! We didn't really talk together much so i don't really know how much she's like me. But ...

Natalia Imbruglia - Torn ; Alanis Morissette - Ironic

The first time i heard this song is when my mom was singing along to the radio. I knew it was Torn, thank God. And, you guessed it, i downloaded the song then. Oh my i was sooooooooo amazed! I sang that song again and again, well, that song isn't boring at all! It's great. Like totally. My mom said, that if i like Torn from Natalia Imbruglia, i would also like Alanis Morissette. They were both from the 90's i think. Am i wrong? Anyway, so i kinda downloaded Ironic from Alanis Morissette. It was also great! She was right, i loved the song. It both has meanings, and, well you know, old songs plays real music. So here's Torn, and Ironic! This is the link to Torn on 4shared, And here's Ironic to download in 4shared! I think downloading is enough without watching the Music Video. Really! This is Torn! I thought I saw a man brought to life He was warm, he came around like he was dignified He showed me what it was to cry Well you couldn't be that man I adored...

Awkward itu...

Awkward itu... Saat kamu pake baju olahraga pagi-pagi ke sekolah dan ternyata olahraganya nggak di sekolah. Awkward itu... Saat kamu manggil temenmu keras-keras dan ternyata itu bukan dia. Awkward itu... Saat kamu ke ruang guru dan ternyata mereka lagi rapat. Awkward itu... Saat kamu mau ngerjain temenmu dengan cara manggil pake "Mbak" seolah nggak kenal dan ternyata itu beneran mbak mbak yang nggak kamu kenal. Awkward itu... Saat kamu mau beli sesuatu di kantin dan bu kantinnya nggak denger karna rame, dan dia malah bilang "Lima ratuse opo mbak?" Awkward itu... Saat kamu lagi jalan-jalan di mal dan nabrak pintu kaca. Awkward itu... Saat kamu manggil Bu rully dan ternyata itu Mam Indri. Awkward itu... Saat kamu pura-pura bbm an karna lagi ada yang berantem dan kamu nggak pengen keliatan ikut campur atau apa, padahal bb mu lobet dan mati. Awkward itu.. Saat kamu nyanyi tapi kamu salah lirik. Awkward itu... Saat kamu sendiri di kelas dan nd...

Spensix si mantan RSBI

Tanggal berapa ini? Tidak update sekali aku. Mungkin kalian semua sudah pada tahu. RSBI telah tiada, kawan. Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun. Sedih? Wah tentu. Senang? Oh tidak. Bingung? Nah! Oke banyak yang bilang kalo RSBI dihapus karna mahal. Dan anak-anak RSBI Surabaya protes karna sekolah mereka nggak bayar. Dan terdengar juga kalo bu Risma lagi nanyain ke MK biar RSBI Surabaya bisa tetep jalan. Hmmmmmm aku berpikir. Apa sih alesan sebenernya? Kalo mahal, ya harusnya enggak dong. Itu kan diskriminasi. Yang miskin tapi puinter masa nggak boleh masuk? Kalo di Surabaya bisa tuh. Di spensix nggak cuma orang kaya doang kok isinya. Kalo sekolahku sih (insyaallah beneran murni dari) tes RSBI buat nerima murid baru. That seems fair, doesn't it? Kalo alesannya diskriminasi, ya itu karna mahal! Jadi, maksudnya semua ini berasal dari masalah uang? Yaampun. Tapi kalo diskriminasinya itu karna ada tes RSBI itu, ya menurutku sih gaada yang salah. Tes RSBI itu ada buat ngetes ke...

How to make your own pizza

No, that's not the real one. My how-to is very simple. Here's what you need to do: Buy instant pizza dough that matches your oven. I mean, the pizza dough wouldn't fit if it's too big. Buy cheese. I use two types, though. Cheddar and mozzarella. Buy sausage, or mushrooms, or chicken, or anything you would like as a topping. Unbelievable, but, spaghetti sauce mixes with my pizza perfectly. So buy spaghetti sauce. And it's the bolognese (bolognese, right?), not the carbonara (carbonara, right?).  Go home! Ask your mom to help you. Prepare to cook. Let your sister know what you're making so if she want's pizza, she's gonna help you to finish it faster. Put all the toppings together and put it in the oven. (sounds like it's too simple but it's true) Wait for a few minutes, and ask your mom "Is it done yet?" over and over again. Open the oven. Take the pizza out. Smell the victory! And ...

2013 and the Bookworm disease.

Yeay! Hooray! Sound the excitement, people! Blow those horns! Make some noise! Hurry, folks! Start counting down! Cheer! Party! Make a wish! Do all those things while people stare at you, wondering why you're on an extremely happy mood 'cause you're really excited with nobody-seems-to-know thing so that you didn't realize that those normal people are giving you the what-the-hell-are-you-freaking-about-on-the-5th-January look. Oh and, should i mention your sister sees you posting something on your blog that she wondered, "She had dinner, right? She couldn't starve so bad that she lost her mind right? Or is she celebrating Chinese New Year?" For your information, it is the 5th of January, thank you very much. And i haven't had dinner, thank you very much. And i haven't lost my mind, thank you very much. And i don't really know when is Chinese New Year, not-really-thank-you-very-much. By the way, Happy 2013 and may God bless you! ...