Too much cartoons

Am i the only one here who is familiar to Garfield Logan or T'Chalia? 'Cause they say i watched too much cartoons.

Well, yes. Those are cartoon characters.

It's weird isn't it? I mean, this age? I'm thirteen, and I'm watching cartoons? SUPERHERO cartoons? That's like... i can imagine you saying "Like wuuud?" or be like "Dude?! Seriously?"

Well, yes. I love watching superhero cartoons.

I admit, while those people are discussing about what Glee episode is about yesterday or how good American idol is last night, I'm here alone thinking what would Beast Boy change in the middle of a tornado or how long does it take to train someone to arch as good as Hawkeye.

Random things like this, people just won't understand.

Today i found a girl on twitter who adores Greyson and loves Marvel. I'm surprised! Omg, she's so ME! We didn't really talk together much so i don't really know how much she's like me. But still, we have common things to love!

You wouldn't believe how i smiled all day or my happy crazy mood to find a girl like me who thinks Marvel movies are better than the Twilight Saga. I. Was. So. Excited.

But over all of that, i still wonder, is there anyone like me in my world? Like around me or something? Someone i know? Fyi though, i loved Teen Titans as much as much as my little sister loves Full Metal Alchemist or as much as my little brother loves Word World. Does anyone at school has that common thing i like? I don't know.

Do you think cartoons are stupid? Do you think I'm weird? Do you think it's ridiculous that i never miss CARTOONS? Do you even understand what I'm saying?

Maybe i should tell you how addicting Superhero Movies are someday. And the clues are, it's an awesome, hilarious, and heroic quoting fiction i have ever known. I don't care what that means but, i hope it means superheroes are incredible.

“I am not creepy. I’m just different. I wish there was someone who could understand that. Someone I could talk to. Someone more like me.”
- Raven

And that was one of a million quotes from cartoons, which is incredibly meaningful.

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