2013 and the Bookworm disease.

Yeay! Hooray! Sound the excitement, people! Blow those horns! Make some noise! Hurry, folks! Start counting down! Cheer! Party! Make a wish! Do all those things while people stare at you, wondering why you're on an extremely happy mood 'cause you're really excited with nobody-seems-to-know thing so that you didn't realize that those normal people are giving you the what-the-hell-are-you-freaking-about-on-the-5th-January look. Oh and, should i mention your sister sees you posting something on your blog that she wondered, "She had dinner, right? She couldn't starve so bad that she lost her mind right? Or is she celebrating Chinese New Year?"

For your information, it is the 5th of January, thank you very much.

And i haven't had dinner, thank you very much.

And i haven't lost my mind, thank you very much.

And i don't really know when is Chinese New Year, not-really-thank-you-very-much.

By the way, Happy 2013 and may God bless you!

Alright, alright. That went wrong. I mean, is it really that hard to post-a-post (if you know what i mean) on new year? I mean, go "New post, type Happy New Year!, publish, sign out"? No it's not. Definitely not. That's far too simple!


.... waiting for an answer? *evil smile*

Naaaaah of course not, who am i kidding? This is crazy. What kind of title is that. anyway? 2013 and the Bookworm disease? That doesn't make any sense! What the hell is a Bookworm disease? Huh. I wish i can insert emoticons on posts. Especially slap-your-face-thingy-to-show-how-slapped-you-are. (?)

Ugh. *the slap-your-face-thingy-to-show-how-slapped-you-are emoticon*

...okay! I was reading.

Yeah. Caught in the bookworm thing again. I'm addicted to books, as if I'm gonna have a nightmare if i didn't figure out what happens next.

These days (well, actually, that means yesterday and for the rest of 2012), i didn't really like books. I mean, i read them, but not following their stories (well, actually, that means googling for pictures and fanfictions when you're finished). Oh and, specially serial books (or book series? I don't know)! The last time i liked serial books (or book series?) was years ago, when i accidentally borrowed one of the... i don't know i forgot, that was very long ago, and some of them (yes, i collected them) was gone. I think it was The Worlds of Chrestomanci, Yep. Ever heard of that? It's kind of a magic things and enchanter dreams or something. Actually, it's about a cursed match (yes, a cursed match) that hold lives of an Eric Chant. Is it Eric Chant? I'm not really sure. And then i bought more books of that series, and yeah i was about ten the last time i read it i think. And for the moment, that was the reason i didn't really know how the story went.

But I'm older now! I definitely understand what The Secret Series meant. So it all started on 2010 (is it?) on the bookstore. I was just hanging out with my friends, and i saw a book with a very weird title. It's "The name of this book is secret". And then I'm like, "Hey guys, look! The title of this book is... what the hell does that suppose to mean? Weird." and yeah of course they think the same way.

Then, back then on 2012, i saw my friend reading a weird book called "This book is not good for you" so i borrowed it to see what kind of weird book is that. I read the synopsis and then I'm like... "What? Oh my gosh, this is the third book from that Secret thing? I knew i found it familiar!".

And everything was perfectly normal.

Until... i went to a bookstore with my sister. She decided to buy books so she could read it on weekends and for the rest of the holiday. Huh? Really?, i thought. She doesn't really like reading though. But i thought it wasn't such a bad idea. Well, at least, not for me. So i decided to buy books too.

She took a Sherlock Holmes book and told me she's buying that. Reading is not her hobby, and yet she's buying that kind of book? Hm. So I told her, "Hey, instead of buying a... well, an adult mystery book, why don't you buy The Secret Series (i finally figured out what it's called)?". She said yes and then we went looking for that series. Unfortunately, the first one's out of stock. Well, i guess that book isn't that weird after all, i thought. So we bought the second (If you're reading this, it's too late) and the third (This book is not good for you) one. I mean, googling the first one isn't hard, right?

And... I LOVED IT!!! As like, i-really-like-it-that-putting-caps-lock-and-bold-on-it-wont-show-how-much-i-like-it. This whole 'secret' thing is explaining about some secret and telling the readers to not to tell the secret (and I'm doing that right now). It's written by Pseudonymous Bosch, a mysterious guy who won't let his readers to know his real name. Okay let's do this fast

The whole 5 books, is based on our senses. The first one is based on smell, the second is based on hearing, the third is based on taste, the fourth is based on sight, and finally, the fifth is based on touch. Pretty cool, huh? I never thought of that actually, not until i read that on Wikipedia. Heheh.

The title is cool too, though! Well i know i said it was weird, but a cool kind of weird. That is, if a cool kind of weird does exist. First is, The Name Of This Book Is Secret. Then, If You're Reading This, It's Too Late. The third one is called, This Book Is Not Good For You. The fourth, This Isn't What It Looks Like. And the last one is, You Have To Stop This. It's very creative actually, well, for me. I read them all (except the first one, 'cause all the clues about the first one is written all over the rest and on the internet) and i admit, The Secret Series is awesome!

Oh, the story! So, this, umm, i don't know, well, err, there was this best friends, or trio adventurers, or some secret society members, or mission partners, or maybe some ordinary middle school students, oh, i don't know what to call them. So Cass, Max-Ernest, and Yo-yoji were best friends, and, trio adventurers, and, some secret society members called the Terces Society, and, mission partners, and, some ordinary middle school students, all together! They're on the good side, duh, and the bad guys are called the Midnight Sun. Okay, i don't think i should keep up explaining about these societies, otherwise I would be spoiling!

Aaaaand, the characters! I'm only gonna tell you three, though. The main characters!

Well, not actually. 'Cause main characters are... not actually for 3 persons. It's only for a person, right? Right? No? Ugh, I'm confused. Next.

The main character! Or not. Well, Cassandra! A braided brave girl, living only with her mother, Melanie, 'cause she's actually only an adopted girl. Melanie isn't married yet, but, Albert 3D is probably gonna... oops! Oh wait, yeah, Cass is a survivalist. She calls herself that. She is very prepared for nature disasters such as tsunami, tornado, alien attacks (?), and etc. She's always carrying her backpack, which is filled with her tools like solar flashlights, batteries, water, trail mix (that's her homemade snack), knife, and such things related to safety. Her personality? Well, umm, she's not polite, emotionless, cautious, brave, nice, and, everything like a survivalist!

Then, Max-Ernest! The smart spiky-haired nerd! OMG, what am i gonna explain about him? I know Max-Ernest so much! I mean, he's like, my favorite character! Okay, never mind, i was just excited, continue. So, this innocent boy got his names from his parents. One of them wants Max as his name, and one of them wants Ernest. I know, weird. That Max-Ernest decided to have two names instead, so he would seem fair to his parents. Great isn't he? Well, that's just one small thing. When his parents divorced (fighting over Max-Ernest's name, although he chose both), they split their house into two parts. Seriously, the cut the house into a half using a chainsaw! Then they moved one part across the street. Max-Ernest, as their only child, would have to sleep a day at her mom's, and a day at her dad's. And having dinner two times, just like breakfast and lunch (supper actually counts). That's, hard isn't it? And he has to go to which house at a time like this? He actually has his own schedule, and he's never late for a minute! How 'bout that?

No, not Yo-yoji yet! I'm still on Max-Ernest!

So, Max-Ernest is the shortest of the three. His spiky-hair, well, that is so his 'thing'. He is nearly allergic to everything. Well, not everything but you know what i mean. Why nearly? Because at book 3, he finally found out he has allergies of nothing after a check-up! That's like crazy, right? And from that day, he learned that he has a true love on... chocolate! Yup, he's chocolate-addicted. Oh right, he's extremely hates mayonnaise. The reason is totally unbelievable, he once drown into a big, jar, no, not jar... big bucket, no, not bucket either... a big sous bowl (yes!) when he was a baby. Unbelievable, but yes.

Be patient, Yo-Yoji!

 So, I will continue on Max-Ernest. What's so 'Max-Ernest' is that he's very talkative and he likes telling his friends stories about things only he knows (well, it's actually because he talks too fast and his friends ignored him 'cause they don't understand). He often adds "How 'bout that?" at the end of his looooong sentence. Wait, why is Max-Ernest my favorite character? Well, i don't know, i just, know how it feels like to be him. And when the book is finished, it hit me. Max-Ernest... is actually the writer of the book. I couldn't imagine a real person like Max-Ernest exist. I mean, he's so, ugh. I really felt his feelings.

Talkative? That's TOTALLY my thing. I mean, ask my friends. Or classmate. Or my family. They're gonna be like, "Anya? Oh that extremely talkative friend of mine?". Oh right. Cass and Yo-Yoji never listened to his stories. My friends? Hm. I'm just saying.

Max-Ernest is always bullied by his best friends. They just team up against him. They'll make fun with him all day. Well, my position is being Max-Ernest. I was crushed when they did that. Even though it was just a story. I know they're kidding. But i know Max-Ernest isn't really sure, either they're joking, or they're really hurting him. Poor Max-Ernest.

Max-Ernest has friends, but i know he's lonely. He doubt his friends would believe him now. He can't survive the wild like Cass. He can't protect himself and his friends like Yo-Yoji. He doesn't really know what they couldn't do without him, does he? I understand, Max-Ernest. I understand you.

He loves chocolate, but his friends was being so... selfish? I'm not sure... that they wouldn't let Max-Ernest have a bite on serious situations. I mean, it's just a bite. Don't they know how much he likes to eat chocolate? They do. Why wouldn't they let him? Does that really bother? You didn't mean to bother them, right Max-Ernest? Of course he didn't. Why would he? Why would I?

Max-Ernest likes his friends so much. He's just so... kind. I remember when Cass was in a coma, Max-Ernest visited her everyday at the hospital, and as usual, not a minute late. You know, I'm touched. Well how could i not? He silenced himself for being all alone and guess what? He tried to talk again to wake Cass... That's just, omg. He cried. How 'bout that?

Enough about Max-Ernest already, this is getting awkward if i told you how many common personalities we had.

Finally, Yo-Yoji! The coolest guitarist of all! He's a tall Asian boy that learns self defense and violin lessons with Lily Wei (a member of Terces Society). Yo-Yoji first showed up on the second book, as a new student from Japanese. He calls himself 'Yo'-Yoji (his real name is Yoji) because he thinks it's kinda cool. He's the 'dude' and 'man' and 'bro' aaand 'yo' between the three. He likes collecting neon sneakers and he usually wears them with his shorts. According to my imagination, he's good looking! Heheh.

Here are some pictures i stole from google...

Here they are! Well, sort of. Max-Ernest is not that small.

 Nice picture. Only needs the fifth book, then it's perfect.

I prefer this one. But Max-Ernest's hair is....... hmm.

And... These are the books!

 Okay I'm done! I swear!

Well, not really.

Wanna know more?

I don't think i can tell you 'cause The Name of this Website is Secret!

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