Pop goes the boredom

It has been a long weekend, now that Monday is a day off for all of us.

And why am i typing with 'align right'?
Well i got bored, and everyone knows we don't do casual things when we're totally bored.

Except twitter, i guess.
Yeah, except twitter. (good job, dude. you got our hearts)

The weekend.
Ummm, what is to say?
I'm not exactly feeling awesome.
And weekends are supposed to be awesome.

'Cause as we all know..
When our Mom says, "what are you gonna do for the rest of your holiday?"

All we thought about is walking around the neighborhood..
Or riding a bike to your friend's house..
Or having a movie marathon all day..
Or improving your skills..
I mean, like, you don't know what it is so you're gonna try to find it..
Or finishing a book series..
Or helping your Mom to bake something..
Or exploring your room and find things that are long-gone..
 Or making a scrapbook about yourself..

And best of the best,
Get out of town!

But as we all know too..
When our Mom says, "what are you gonna do for the rest of your holiday?"

Reality plays with our mind,
And then drop us down between Total Laziness and The there's-not-much-time Situation

So all we do is eat..
And sleep..
And watch tv..
And eat..
And play all sorts of gadgets..
And watch tv..
And take nap..
And eat..
And lay down imagining things..
And watch a movie on tv..
And blog!

Well, that's not entirely true
I mean, i blog all the time
Well almost
There you have it

So what are you trying to say?

Hmm, let me think, i don't know
I'm not even trying to say anything!
I just, ugh
Let's just have fun

Okay fun.
What came first in your mind?

Was it watching tv?
Or was it playing video games?
Or was it shopping?
Or was it making other people wonder?

Let's make other people wonder

So, do you know Ask Jud?
You have to try it
It's like he answers questions and ohohooooo, but,
Only a few people gets the answers

Like me,
Hey look, he agrees with me, twitter's boring
 Wait, i gotta check the timeline too

Okay you got me it was boring
Now, about fun...
It reminds me of We Are Young by Fun!
I actually think the song's cool, and the MV's cool too

And, uh, no, i don't want to share lyrics
Or sharing download links either
Oh i can show you a pic though
It's cool

It's soooo showing that he was screaming

Okay, that was boring too
I mean, i was watching V channel all day
And i don't know how many times I've watched the top music videos
 Like We Are Young, for example

Or Suit and tie
Or One way or another
Or Wings
Or Daylight
Or some k-pop boybands
Or When i was your man
Or 22
Or... i forgot

Maaan that was unnecessary...
Oh, i actually did something exciting!

So yesterday i asked my sister what to do
She said, "play harvest moon."
I was like, whaaaaa? she's joking
But she's not!

So i searched for Harvest Moon on my laptop and i played it
And it wasn't boring!!!
And i got rich!!!
And Gray's heart's purple!!!

Okay, you wouldn't understand if you have never played this before
Ha, I'm not explaining
So it's one of my childhood video game
The only difference is, I understood the game when i was older

And i knew the cheats too!
Fine, cheater, whatever
But then it slapped me
I accidentally pressed exit and i haven't save the game!

My sister's right
I'm not playing that anymore

 And again, what is the point of this post?
It's on the title
Pop goes the boredom
It means...

In every boredom, you could always pop.

Oh, dude, quote that please.
Thank you. *wipes tears*

And what does that suppose to mean?
Well... I don't know, and don't google it

Hey, you know what isn't boring?



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