What it takes to be in charge

It's freezing here and i think I'm sick.

I'm making myself a cheese sandwich and a hot tea in a bottle so i can drink and eat inside. A good book is right beside me, and I'm hiding my feet under a blanket aaaaand my eyes are red. I'm not sure how important this is but hey, at least i noticed.

So this is what it takes to be in charge:
An older age
Homeworks done
Not-bad-good-work-though report card
The ability to cook
There. I said it. And i got all it takes to be in charge.

So my mom and dad is going to Jakarta, and no way my brother is going to let them go without him, so it's only me and my little sister-- and thank god yes of course I'm in charge.

I'm not so sure what my sister will say when she knows I'm posting something like this, but i can imagine her saying "Kakak, you're not in charge," but of course i am. I mean, she's in charge? That's not gonna happen, though.

I've got some good thing about this though. I even made a list!
Watch TV all day
Spend time sleeping
Play laptop and other electronic things 
Naaah the last one doesn't really count. I got freedom already before i was in charge! And that's why my parents are the best. Oh, there are bad things too though. Well of course there is, duh.
Prepare school things alone
Eat alone
Watch TV alone
Run around the house alone
Wash the dishes alone
Do the laundry alone
Anyway, i just tasted a blueberry roll cake with the cheese sandwich i made, and it's totally deeeeelicious. Proceed.
Talk about awesome things at school alone
Laugh alone
Clean bedroom alone
Have tea alone
Think about what us five can do together
Wait wait wait. I don't laugh alone, that like crazy! I'm not crazy.

So maybe that's about it. Remember that. My advice-- if you call it that way --could be very useful! Oh, its true. I have tried following my own advice and it worked. And it worked....... because no one else gave me the advice.

Toodles! My eyes are like burning.

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