A Raven and her claws

A Raven and her claws. That would be, Raven-claw, i suppose?

No, it's Ravenclaw. Without the '-'. And I've been playing Pottermore.

See, Pottermore is a Potter-more site to know more about Potter. It's confusing. Yup, it is. So this, i don't know, game, maybe? So this game is quite famous long ago. But you know, not long-long ago. Just long. Maybe a year ago or less. Yeah okay that was not important.

What's important is, i realized playing Pottermore was so much fun, just yesterday. Just yesterday, ladies and gentlemen. Just yesterday, and yes i started from the first chapter of the first book.

Basically, i was just so bored so i looked for online games and whatever. And i remembered Harry Potter. And i remembered Pottermore. And i remembered the people who played it and said it was fun. So i entered the site, and i joined in.

It's so interesting. It's like an choose-your-own-story book, only it's a game. An online game. And it's cool, too. Way cooler.

For now, i suppose. I'm not even sure some of those people who played Pottermore is still playing right now.

Okay, so, I joined in, now I'm magical, and my name is ShieldSnidget22999. I chose that name 'cause it rhymes on the front. Though i know there is no such thing called rhymes on the front. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that it has 22999, and I'm born on 22nd of May 1999. Coincidence? I think not.

Oh, I've been warned, too. But I'm not sure if that's a warning. Well, i don't know. It says that it's more fun when you're playing Pottermore while reading the book.

And i did! Online, of course, you know i love reading online books. It's just ten thousand times more easier than going out to find the book and then have to wait for next month to play Pottermore. But that's not gonna happen. E-books are way better.

You can read the first, second, and fifth here. 

So, i started reading, and i also started playing, and well, Pottermore's right! It's way more interesting while you're reading the book. It's like you're in the story! You should try.

The game goes like this. First, of course, we are on our first journey, that is, the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. And then second, third, until we're in the last book. Every book has a chapter, and a chapter is like a level while books are like stages. Get it? If you don't get it then you should play more games.

Anyway, all we have to do is just explore. Collecting weird things, casting spells, making potions, dueling other houses, and lots of other fun things. We could also know more about the characters, creatures, spells, potions, places, and everything else by J.K. Rowling! For me, this is interesting, for a girl who does nothing but blog when she's on internet.

Oh, by the way, what i like about this is we get to choose our wands and houses. Well not actually. The wand chooses its wizard, and the sorting hat chooses our houses. We kinda have to answer questions honestly,  and then it'll choose what we got or what we are in. I remember my wand though. A redwood, unicorn core, eleven-and-a-half-inch, kinda bendy wand. It's cool! Too bad i didn't capture it.

And my house! Oh I'm really excited about this part. There are four houses. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and at last, Ravenclaw. I played the quiz, just like i played it to get my wand. So i answered the questions, as-me-as-possible, if you know what i mean. I was expecting for Ravenclaw though. It has a Raven, and a claw in it. Get it? Well of course you don't.

Raven is a, ummm, well a raven, in indonesian it's gagak, and in Teen Titans it's a dark but good character that is one of the main characters on Teen Titans. I just like Raven. It reminds me of Teen Titans. So i hoped for it. Except there's a BeastBoyclaw in it then I'd probably choose that.

And claw is a, well claw is a claw. I like the name. Claw. I also like how it spells. C-L-A-W. It has a W on it, and W's are rare. And i like claws too because it's kinda, you know, give the strong and brave for the name.

Okay, back to the game, and i was right about to find out which house am i in. The last question's a bit tough,
Which house would you rather be in?
1. Hufflepuff
2. Slytherin
Well of course i chose Hufflepuff! I wouldn't be in a house where it has a snake symbol. Well Huffflepuff has a weird one though, a skunk. Is it a skunk? Was it? I don't know, I'm not even sure. I was actually hoping for a big bird with claws, with a blue color (blue is Raven's favorite color), and not yellow or green. But guess what?

I'm a part of a skunk family now.

Okay, okay, that was rude, that was totally rude, but it tried to cheer me up. Congratulations and blablabla, hufflepuffs are the most loyal and honest and (thank you) blablabla, hufflepuffs have the least bad wizards of all houses blablabla, hufflepuffs are winners blablabla, huffle this, puff that, but it's lucky I'm cheered up.

It's good, actually. It really is. Hufflepuffs are leading on the great wall. I'm pretty proud!

So, uhh, they said that Gryffindor has the greatest wizards, but we have the least bad wizards. They said that Slytherin has the most powers, but we have always won duels fair. And they said that we are lazier than Ravenclaws, but we are academically gifted! So it's fine with me.

I shouldn't name this post A Raven and her claws, instead, i should name it To huffle a Puff.

That doesn't make sense (again) but why should i make one when having fun is the part where it all ends?

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