Enchancer? Okay.

So this is why this post is posted.

I went browsing for enchancer blogs and i found some. I got the idea that maybe some enchancer out there is also browsing for enchancer blogs. And then i remembered, that i haven't post anything enchancing about me, and that part is pretty big inside me.

Don't know what enchancing means? Well, only enchancers do.

Hi I'm Anya, I'm thirteen, the cute guy on picture above is Greyson Chance, I've been blogging for three months and I'm telling you I'm an enchancer right about now. Have you seen the picture of my boyfriend on the top of my blog? Well, enchancers got plenty of things related to my boyfriend.

You're smart, you could figure out what I'm fangirling on. I mean who. Yeah, who.

I couldn't explain anything about him, and not because i didn't know about the names on Purple Sky means or what floor on what hospital he was born on, I'm just afraid i won't finish writing the next day. I don't know why am i doing this though. I mean, memorizing someone's biography and then go crazy when he tweeted? Am i having drugs or something?

By the way, the names on Purple Sky are bullied kids, and all of them are gone. Oh, Greyson was born on the second floor Kell West Regional Hospital. And i didn't have to browse to tell you that.

I knew the guy named Greyson Chance, sort of like a young singer and pianist or whatever. One night, the recent updates on my Blackberry Messenger is full of "AAAHHH Greyson Chance on TransTV! <3 <3" thingies. I got curios, so i switched the channel.

I'm so glad i didn't faint that time. So i couldn't blink, i couldn't breathe, i couldn't speak, i was frozen and i got crazy overnight.

The next day i learned about him a lot and i became an Enchancer until now.

Like, now, now. Or maybe then? Or maybe after then? Maybe. 'Cause I'm not gonna stop.

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