The so-called unforgettable moment

Maybe blogs are meant to share the unforgettable moments of the blogger

If it is meant for that, than of course every blogger has an unforgettable moment

"Oh please lets just get to the topic."

Okay, but I'm not really sure why am i talking to myself now

So it is again an ordinary night when I'm having dinner on the couch, with my little brother, watching tv. And then suddenly "AAAHH!". It was my brother when he saw a mice. I hate the RatBrotherhoodCompany. Okay i made that whatever. The RatBrotherhoodCompany is an imaginary organization i made to call those rats or their mouse friends that showed up in my house. I hate the fact that even rats need a home.

Skip it. Why am i talking nonsense.

Okay, i finished my dinner and walked to the kitchen to wash my plate. It was a little bit annoying, knowing that maybe a mice is somewhere near me.

And it is!

I knew it when i felt something small-sized landed on my foot. On my right foot. When i was washing the dishes. A tickling small-sized thing. And of course i knew it wasn't anything besides the mice i saw earlier.


Yeah i actually laughed and not yelled. I told you, it's tickling. I laughed loudly, not believing a mice just landed on my foot. I mean, how? This is annoying. Luckily, i only felt it, i didn't see it. If i did, i would have a nightmare that night.

The next thing i know i was running to the bathroom, laughing, and then i was washing my right foot. After believing it was clean enough, i laughed again and ran to my room. I told my sister everything and she went "EEEEW" and i told my mom everything and she also went "EEEEEW". So its basically an EW-EW moment.

I could still feel its little legs, touching my feet before i realized and kicked it off my foot.

The next day my aunt told me the mice was blind that it bumped my foot. At first i thought i made sense, for a mice would know nothing about my foot or where it should go. But then i thought again, why would my aunt go check if the mice is blind or not? And how? "Here little mice, let me give you a free check-up! Here micey micey, come on, let me check you out!" i mean that stupid, no one would do such thing.

Maybe she told me that to make me feel better?

But knowing my aunt could check mice-eyes and discover a whole different fact around the house, and still feeling my right foot is harmed by a little mice who likes to sit on my foot, and of course having a daily chore to wash my plate every night, i could never feel any worse.

And that's my so-called unforgettable moment. Does yours have little legs on it?

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